Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Smoking Triggers Recurrence of Cancer in HIV+ People

Smoking negatively impacts the health of people with HIV. People with HIV have weakened immune systems that are bolstered but not completely bolstered by life extending anti-viral medication. Smoking makes it harder to fight off HIV related illnesses, especially those dealing with the lungs. The damaging effects of smoking on HIV+ people is illustrated by the results of a recent study looking at the effects of smoking on the recurrence of head and neck cancer.

Some HIV+ people contract the human-papillomavirus (HPV). HPV can cause head and neck cancer. It is possible for HIV+ people to fight off the illness and put the cancer into remission. That time free from cancer can be cut short because of smoking.

University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor scientists looked at 124 patients who were treated at the University of Michigan for squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx. They compared rates of recurrence in HIV+ people who smoked compared to those who did not smoke. Overall, 82.3% had HPV-positive tumors. Among these patients, only 32.3% had never used tobacco. Current smokers were more than five times more likely to have a recurrence!

The cancer can be caused by HPV negative and positive viruses. Among those with HPV-positive tumors, the rate of recurrence was highest among current tobacco users (34.8%), followed by former users (19.6%) and those who had never used tobacco (6%). The recurrence rate among patients with HPV-negative tumors, who had all used tobacco at some point, was the highest at 50%.

The investigators noted potential limitations in the statistical analysis for the study, which included two different cohorts that differed in gender distribution, HPV-positivity, treatment regimens, and follow-up times.

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Butt Out is a project of Breathe California, funded by the San Francisco Tobacco Free Project, which works to get tobacco money out of LGBT community organizations in San Francisco. We also educate the public about the hazards of smoking and about smoking cessation.

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