Frameline is coming right up this June! Frameline is the film festival that portrays the diversity of our queer lives. Butt Out is right in the middle of the action. We are the official sponsor of a collection of short films, The Golden Pin, and we are the Community Partner of a feature film, The Four-Faced Liar. Butt Out is also helping to counteract the impact of the smoking that takes place in these films by running two different public service announcements that creatively address the hazards of smoking.
The two movies that Butt Out is connected with are pretty good. The Four-Faced Liar is a flick about a hetero couple, Greg and Molly, that moves to New York City looking for new adventures. They find it when they meet Bridget and Trip at a bar called The Four-Faced Liar. Molly and Bridget become friends - the dangerously smoldering kind. Molly has to sort out her feelings when she has a fight with Greg and runs into the arms of Bridget. The movie is playing June 20 at 6:30 at the Castro Theater. This should be a good one!
The Golden Pin should be a good time too. This is a series of shorts featuring Asian characters that is geared toward the boys. The films include Waiting 4 Goliath, The Golden Pin, Little Love, Peking Turkey, Masala Mama and Little. The Golden Pin is a diverse assortments of stories about gay love and experience. Butt Out's PSA that will run before this collection of shorts is an encore of last year's popular "boys" PSA that humorously discusses the link between impotence and smoking. The Golden Pin is playing June 23 at 4:00 PM at the Castro Theater. Mark your calendar!
It is really important that Butt Out is running these PSAs. Smoking is endemic in the movies. The tobacco companies love it that way and pay for product placements. Smoking in the movies is harmful to people, particularly children and young adults. The more smoking young people see on screen, the more likely they are to become smokers and, later in life, to die from tobacco-related diseases. R-rating future smoking would avert 60,000 tobacco deaths a year in the U.S. This is a really big deal to our community especially since so many LGBT films contain smoking and our queer young adults smoke more than twice as much as others their age!
Think about the impact of smoking in the movies the next time you go to the movies. In the meantime, check out Butt Out's sponsored and Community Partner movies at Frameline and enjoy our PSAs. I'll be there, popcorn in hand.
Stay in Touch!
Keep track of the work Butt Out is doing by going to our website (www.butt-out.org/), friending us on Facebook (butt-outsanfrancisco) or by connecting with us on Twitter (twitter.com/buttoutsf).Butt Out is a project of Breathe California, funded by the San Francisco Tobacco Free Project, which works to get tobacco money out of LGBT community organizations in San Francisco. We also educate the public about the hazards of smoking and about smoking cessation.